Monday, December 31, 2012

Great image from Cairo


General view of the very rare to see in Cairo in 1864
This picture was taken by Italian photographer: Antonio Beto
Did you see the pyramids

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Great Sphinx statue of Giza (Abu AL Houl)


Great Sphinx statue of Giza (Abu EL Houl)

Sphinx is a statue of a mythical creature with the body of a lion and a human head is located on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt. It is the oldest known huge sculptures, with a length of 73.5 m, width 6 m, and a height of 20.22 m. Believed that the ancient Egyptians built in the reign of Pharaoh Khafre (2558-2532 BC), the builder of the second pyramid at Giza.

The differing views as represented by this statue, the old opinion that represents King Khafre combining the power of Assad and human wisdom. Some archaeologists believe that King Cheops is built where the face of the Sphinx-like statue of Cheops, like statues of Khafre). Indeed, the question of who is the builder of the Sphinx still open for research. It is said that it represents the sun god "Hur - mother - sister", and evidence of this temple, which faces the statue, where he was being a religious ritual. This has been firmly in the minds of Egyptians throughout their history, where they saw a statue of the god "Hur - mother - sister," and him need to worship him and live his most famous paintings these paintings those of King Thutmose IV of the Eighteenth Dynasty , known to dream board. Either the name "Sphinx" and derivation linguistic him, it seems that the origin is due to the modern state when he stepped some of the Canaanites to the Giza area and saw the statue, which represents the god "Hur" and they associate with God they have is "Huron" then character this name to "Horona" character turn into "Hall" where the base substitution between ha and distraction in the Arabic language. The word "Abu" Phippdoa they perversion of the ancient Egyptian word "Bo", which means "place", in which case it becomes name meaning "place of the god Hor", the ancient Greeks to reproduce their feminine version of that object.She also appeared creatures with similar ideas in several other civilizations, including South and Southeast Asia. As Sphinx occupied a place in the European decorative art of the Renaissance began. Moving the statue to the east and had the statue long nose with French occupation of Egypt tried to destroy the statue gun they could not only destroy the nose of our time trying to propagate education and Egyptian media before the revolution, but actually it's the oldest incident documented historically to settle Pharaonic monuments in the writings of Egyptian Maqrizi in the fifteenth century AD attribute this break to sabotage someone called Mohammed fasting eternity, a mystic fanatic and came in homilies and mind to mention speeches and effects first part 26/167, where he wrote: "In our time was someone who knows Sheikh Mohammed fasting age of inter mystical khanqah happy happy validity has about eighty years and seven hundred to change things from the evils and walked to the Pyramids and the distorted face of the Sphinx and Hosh is today . "
Some pictures of this magnificent statue :-

You should visit Giza make sure that you will enjoy
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the pyramids of Giza and where located


 Where is the Pyramids of Giza: -

Pyramids of Giza is located in the city of Giza Pyramids Plateau (Memphis, Memphis) in Egypt, and the West Bank of the Nile River, the pyramids were built around 2480 to 2550 BC. M
The three pyramids called "Khufu, Khafre, Menkaure"

Note these pyramids were tombs property of their respective named king who built the burial of the three kings after their death in these pyramids, and a hierarchical structure is one of the first stages of the development of cemeteries in Architecture "Ancient Egypt," which started a small hole turned into a compartment under the ground and then to several rooms topped by a terrace and then evolved to represent a form of pyramid "Aamahotb" Pharaoh Djoser Minister Third Dynasty pyramid at Saqqara now.

Great Pyramid of Cheops Maker is engineer Imono engineer King Khufu was able to reach the ideal model of the pyramid, which was built on an area of ​​approximately 13 acres and was followed by Khafre and Menkaure.
1 - Pyramid of Cheops: -

This Great Pyramid is of the seven wonders of the world total area of ​​about 13 acres at an altitude of about 146 meters and 137 meters.

Side length of the base of the pyramid 230 meters, the weight of the stones that built the pyramid, ranging from 2 to 10 tons or more.

And soaked period of the Great Pyramid: -

This pyramid took almost twenty years to build corridors and roads less lasted ten years, according to the narrated by Herodotus, the Greek historian, who visited Egypt in the fourth century BC after the construction of the pyramids by about 2000 years
Pyramid largest industrial weighing mountains 6500000 tons, and consists of stones each weighing twelve tons, and this court paving stones and settings to an end half a millimeter, and this already admirable ancient Egyptian civilization, but is much larger,Pyramid is one of the biggest puzzles facing Since the beginning of human civilization. Claimed a lot of people that just a cemetery luxury king (Cheops), but scientists current era believe that this is the subject of ridicule, has been building the Great Pyramid to the highest and greatest much evidence to those enjoyed by the amazing facts of this great edifice which collection (Charles Smith) In the famous book (inheritance when the Great Pyramid) in 1864, did you know that the height of the pyramid multiplied one billion equals 14,967,000 miles, and the distance between the Earth and the sun, and orbit that passes from the center pyramid divides continents of the world into two equal halves completely, and that the basis of the pyramid divided by twice the height of gives us a number (for Odolp) famous (3.14) and is located in the calculators, and pillars of Pyramid 4 item to destinations original four in accuracy so amazing that some scientists objected days pretext of the existence angle deviation slim for Cardinal, but after the discovery of modern electronic devices measure proved to be corners pyramid is correct and accurate.

2 - Pyramid of Khafre: -

Khafre one of the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Built by King Khafre of the family I'm the fourth Kings of King Khufu. He married Princess anchorages Ankh and the rule of Egypt Twenty-six-year-old pyramid Pyramid of Khafre second largest in Giza, less than a height of the pyramid (Cheops) pyramid tall Khafre 136 m and was built on a 215 m square has two entrances on the north side still retains an old part not to restore Summit, as is evident in the picture

3 - Pyramid of Menkaure

Menkaure pyramid or the pyramid of King of Kao Ra (Menkaure) is the third Pyramids of Giza in Egypt.
Built by King Khafre. Along the ribs 5.108 meters and a height of 65.5 meters, and now 61 meters, the entrance to the pyramid from the north and rises 4 meters above the ground are built of limestone, and the roof of granite "is a rock Jovi bullet be under high temperature is characterized by tissue coarse-grained because cold slowly beneath the surface of the earth "
Found the burial chamber where there was a wooden coffin named and has reserved a British mummy in the museum now

The scientists observed that there is a gap small circular does not exceed a diameter of 20 cm knew archaeologists to discover the secret of the gap after noticing very accurate, and they found that sunlight entering through the gap days and one year only on the tomb of King (Menkaure), even odder this day marks the festival birthday pharaoh .!!

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Al Rifa'i Mosque in Cairo cemetery Kings


Rifai mosque cemetery Kings

Located Rifai mosque in the city of Cairo, the mosque was built in 1329 AH 1911 AD so named name in relation to a descendant (Ahmed Ezz Eddin fisherman Rifai) Imam Ahmad Rifai, who was born in Iraq and traveled to Egypt and married a girl from the strain King best son Saladin Voakb him Mr. Abu Ali nets.
 Characterized mosque precise details in the decoration on the exterior walls and giant columns in the outer gate. Khedive Ismail's mother is more than he wanted to build this mosque. Continued construction of the mosque to 40 years. And Rifai Mosque contains the tombs of several members of the ruling families in Egypt mother insisted Khoshaarhanm Khedive Ismail's mother to build and cost more engineers in Egypt (in his time)
Hussein Fahmi Pasha mosque was designed by. Located in the mosque, the tomb of King Farouk I, Khedive Ismail and his mother and the tomb of the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi and Reza Pahlavi

 Rifai mosque space and constructive: -

It was built on a rectangular shape on nearly 6,500 square meters of 1,700 meters used for prayer

The mosque was built in the style of a royal that had prevailed in the 19 th century and 20, was uncannily like buildings Europe at that time, was built in well when he died Engineer Hussein Fahmi and after Hoshyar Hanim recommended to be buried in the mosque and died after her son Ismail was buried alongside them led All this to stop the construction process after 25 years, during the reign of Abbas Hilmi II ordered Max Hz and help complete the building who have completed building without maps, "Hussein Fahmi" construction was completed in 1911

The mosque is located in the area of ​​the castle next to the Mosque of Sultan Ismail ancient Egypt
Note: No restoration Rifai mosque so far is as complete designed by Max Italian Hrtzomsaadh Carlo Virgilio Sylvaana

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